Mercury Brüder - Dual Channel Microphone Preamplifier

Bruder, Bru•der m , -s, -"
Bru•der, Plural: Brü•der
a brother
Brüder pl (Rel) brothers pl , brethren pl

The Mercury Brüder combines one M72s channel and one M76m channel in a single 3U package. This unit is now available from our Custom Shop (special order).

Both channels are multipurpose tools for making music.

The Mercury M72s is warm and punchy, with a thick bottom end, a great push in the mid range and a open airy top end. The M72s performs great on vocals, bass, drums, acoustic and electric guitars, as well as room and overhead applications.

The M76m is warm, open and airy. Compared to the M72s, the M76m is overall more evenly "EQ'ed," meaning there is not a push in the low or mids. The M76m shines on vocals, bass and guitars (you have amazing control on the amplifier's tone), and opens up your room and overhead mics. With 72dB (+/-) of total gain and a choice of high or low input impedance — ribbon mics are big and open with the M76m.

The M72s has 58dB of gain and the M76m has about 72dB of gain (60dB input gain, +6dB(+/-) of level control and +6dB when low impedance is selected).


All Mercury Recording Equipment comes with a limited lifetime warranty and support.

This item is a Special Order

Mercury BRUDER


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Hayward, CA